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El Sargento y La Ventana

México,  B.C.S

Image by Christoffer Engström

¡Conócenos y forma parte!

Somos una comunidad en Baja California Sur, México, El Sargento y su anexo La Ventana  preocupada por el manejo de los residuos que generamos y el impacto que conlleva al medio ambiente a nivel ecológico.


Promover la participación de la comunidad de la bahía de La Ventana, en forma individual o colectiva, en la preservación del equilibrio ecológico y la protección al ambiente del Sargento y La Ventana a través de estrategías educativas para el manejo integral de residuos.


Inculcar la separación y gestión de residuos en la comunidad transformando el paradigma y la concienciación en torno al ciclo de vida de los residuos y la basura.

Proporcionar un manejo adecuado de los RSU generados en la comunidad, evitando que su destino final sea el relleno sanitario local.

Aspiramos a crear  un centro de transformación y acopió como ejemplo tangible ante la comunidad e integrando la economía circular. 

Nuestros Pilares

Waste Management

In the short-term, we aim to greatly reduce the amount of waste destined for the dump.

Entirely volunteer-run, we host weekly recycling drop-off service, monthly town clean-ups, bi-annual garage sales, and annual waste mitigation operations for the influx of people who enjoy our town during the holidays.  Using our limited resources, we transform what we can into usable construction materials that are available for purchase.  Soon we will be offering collection services for your recyclables.

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Planting seeds for the future generation is foundational to our mission.

We understand that in order to create lasting change, we must change the knowledge and culture around consumption and waste practices.  We engage with local schools to educate the next generation on proper waste mitigation practices.  We do this by implementing recycling programs, hosting environmental education field trips to engage the children with the ecosystems they are a part of, and involving the local children in our volunteer operations.

Future Vision

As our town grows exponentially, we strive to implement lasting change to ensure a sustainable future for all who inhabit this beautiful ecosystem.

Our long term goals address the needs of our growing community.  We hope to build a recycling facility that will be able to accommodate our future population.  We hope to engage with local retailers to reduce the amount of waste brought here in the first place.  We hope to inspire everyone who lives or visits here to be responsible cohabitants of a rare and beautiful ecosystem, and to have systems in place to support that lifestyle sustainably.

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